Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Grahams Power And Glory

Grahams Power and Glory: Where did it come from? Graham Green was born in 1904 and lived until 1991. Greene was not a happy child; he was mocked and ridiculed by classmates at a very young age. After many suicide attempts Greene left home for hopes of happiness. (Greenland) Greene eventually married Vivien Dayrell-Browning in 1927 and the two had two children, one boy and one girl. Greene was not much a family man. He traveled most of his life leaving no time for family at home. He admits to having over forty seven prostitutes along his travels. He and his wife later separated, but never divorced. (Liukkonen) Going back a little in time during Greene’s years at college Greene published many poems and articles in the Oxford Outlook and in the Weekly Westminster Gazette. From there Greene went on to write 24 novels, eight plays and numerous short stories. Not to forget the films he worked on, including The Third Man, known today as one of the most amazing films ever. (Liukkonen) As all writers, there are people who love every piece written and critics who find something wrong with every piece published by an author. Graham caused quite the uproar with his most famous novel The Power and the Glory. Cardinal Giuseppi Pizzardo had condemned The Power and the Glory for being "paradoxical," (seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true) and the British churchman actually demanded that Greene make changes in the text. (Welborn ) Evelyn Waugh, a dear friend of Greene, said "It was as fatuous as unjust a vile misreading of a noble book", about the Cardinal’s comments. The novel was also condemned by the Vatican in 1953, but the matter was dropped when Greene insisted the fight was not with him, but with the publishers of the book. He figured if it were not a book that was proper enough to publish they would have never published the book. The Matter was then dropped. (Ways of Escape pg. 65-68) So where did... Free Essays on Grahams Power And Glory Free Essays on Grahams Power And Glory Grahams Power and Glory: Where did it come from? Graham Green was born in 1904 and lived until 1991. Greene was not a happy child; he was mocked and ridiculed by classmates at a very young age. After many suicide attempts Greene left home for hopes of happiness. (Greenland) Greene eventually married Vivien Dayrell-Browning in 1927 and the two had two children, one boy and one girl. Greene was not much a family man. He traveled most of his life leaving no time for family at home. He admits to having over forty seven prostitutes along his travels. He and his wife later separated, but never divorced. (Liukkonen) Going back a little in time during Greene’s years at college Greene published many poems and articles in the Oxford Outlook and in the Weekly Westminster Gazette. From there Greene went on to write 24 novels, eight plays and numerous short stories. Not to forget the films he worked on, including The Third Man, known today as one of the most amazing films ever. (Liukkonen) As all writers, there are people who love every piece written and critics who find something wrong with every piece published by an author. Graham caused quite the uproar with his most famous novel The Power and the Glory. Cardinal Giuseppi Pizzardo had condemned The Power and the Glory for being "paradoxical," (seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true) and the British churchman actually demanded that Greene make changes in the text. (Welborn ) Evelyn Waugh, a dear friend of Greene, said "It was as fatuous as unjust a vile misreading of a noble book", about the Cardinal’s comments. The novel was also condemned by the Vatican in 1953, but the matter was dropped when Greene insisted the fight was not with him, but with the publishers of the book. He figured if it were not a book that was proper enough to publish they would have never published the book. The Matter was then dropped. (Ways of Escape pg. 65-68) So where did...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Linguistic Anthropology review Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Linguistic Anthropology review - Article Example However, this focus on the identity has pointlessly restrained the scope of enquiry, thus rendering research in the area ineffective and not in a position of addressing the wider semiotic process that produces sexuality, and disseminating it in language. Nevertheless, one of the essay’s major points is to suggest that what is seen as the differentiating performance from performativity, and how those two perspectives relate to language. Moreover, the focus of this critical study is on the fact that the ‘no’ of a woman is restrained by the cultural demands and expectations of femininity (Kullick 494). The writer states that at several points in time, he noted where he thought that there are differences between a performance perspective and a performativity perspective. He however claims that there is a difference, which in his view is a critical one, which brings us back to the identity question. The difference is that while studies considered in a framework of perf ormance have a tendency to regard language in relation to identity, research designed as performative will focus more on identification. According to the writer, we find that the difference is in identity that in linguistic and sociolinguistic anthropology work is traditionally presented as a more or les cognizant claim-staking of a specific sociological position, and the identification that is concerned with the operations that constitutes the subject. The text is not so much fundamental to production of sexual case, but for materialization of a certain type of sexual instance whereby the sexual subjects produced are empowered and gendered differentially (Kullick 498). The writer states that a psychoanalytic platitude about the identifications is that they don’t make up a consistent relational system. Furthermore, they are not absolutely conscious. In contrast, identifications are merely as much structured by refusals, rejections as well as disavowals as their structuring is done by affirmations. It is essential not to fall the identification into identity as they are not the sane thing. More so, a performative linguistic phenomena approach does not begin or even end with identity. But instead, we find that a performative approach would review the process, by which some types of identifications are permitted, unmarked and legitimate, and others are not permitted, marked and not legitimate. Language, Race and White Public Space by Jane Hill The text â€Å"Language, Race and White Public Space,† is all about the issues of language and race in various societies. The construction of the story is done extensive review of the speech of racialized communities like the African Americans, Latinos and the Chicanos for linguistic disorder’s signs, and the invisibility of nearly similar signs in the White’s speeches, whereby the mixing of language that is essential for the expression of a highly rated kind of colloquial persona, takes many for ms. An example of such forms is the Mock Spanish, which shows a complex semiotics. However, by direct indexicality, speakers are presented by the Mock Spanish as having desirable individual qualities. And by indirect indexicality, it produces racializing stereotypes of the Latinos and Chicanos that are highly negative (Hill 683). Furthermore, it also explores the question of the propensity for such usages to be redesigned to undermine the racial practices’ order in discourse. According to the w

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Bell Research Proposal

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Bell Canada - Research Proposal Example case between the Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada and Bell Canada emerged from the dilemma that exists on the extent of the right to access copyrighted information (Hovenkamp 48). With the laws that govern intellectual property being clear on the legality of the limited access to copyrighted songs on the internet, the demand for royalty from the authors causes confusion on the extent of justified free access to such songs. The case between the two entities begs the question of where to draw the line between the freedom for information access and the copyright laws. This research aims to explore the flawlessness of the Canadian copyright laws that stipulate that the free previews comprise fair dealing for the intent of research. This investigation hinges upon methods and mechanisms that aim to uncover answers to the research questions. The selected methods of research emanate from the significant research needs. The sources that the research utilizes are also accessible and available for analysis. This study shall take into consideration some legal principles and beliefs as regarding the application of the copyright law and the right of access to information in Canada and the world through. The study will concentrate on the information that exists and the interrelation of different entities on the validity and significance of copyright laws in a society with special interest to Canada and focusing on the Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada v. Bell Canada scenario. The research will use different methods of investigations namely, documentary sources, interviews and questionnaires. The documentary sources to use will include both the published an unpublished material focusing on the legal aspects of information in society and the view of different entities in the freedom and need of access to information. The documentary sourced that the research aims to apply includes previous research materials, published and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Casestudy on Nike's Social Media Strategy Case Study

Casestudy on Nike's Social Media Strategy - Case Study Example They are now eyes and ears of a locality through which it is connected to the whole world. In business, use of these communication means and electronic devices like computers, smartphones, netbooks and digital billboards forms the basis of digital marketing. Its impact and benefits are far reaching because of cost affectivity, greater audience and ease of marketing. According to Morgan Stanley Research, a total of 37% marketing traffic has been shifted to online media and mobile communication (Stanley, 2012). This trend was not foreseeable during early part of networks communication development. But, it is now clear that digital marketing will be the marketing arena for the future. In online communication, websites and web-portals provide large number of audience. In journalistic terms it can be said that digital marketing is a mode for mass media campaigns. Still there is another aspect of online and live communication. It is the development of social media within internet communication. It has not only bonded people but has also bridged the digital divide that existed till the end of 20th century. Digital marketing is now the main stream communication that happens alongside other types of communication between individuals and groups. Along the way it is also a source to advertise any new invention or innovation. Presently many organizations have improved their business and have increased number of customers at various locations of the earth by the help of social media. For social websites, people not only socialize with each other, but also interact with marketed commodities. In this case study, assessment of Nike’s social media strategy is carried out. Two important digital marketing means namely The Power of Like and social media Marketing Strategy of Nightclubs is taken in the case of Nike. Before getting into the details digital marketing strategies and their sphere of action should be noted. Digital Marketing is carried out

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Review Of Leadership Management Essay

A Review Of Leadership Management Essay The term leadership means different things to different people. Although no ultimate definition of leadership exists (Yukl, 2002), the majority of definitions of leadership reflect some basic elements, including group influence and goal (Bryman, 1992). Leadership is one of the rare and precious human capitals. Without leaders to guide and shape decisions society would become stagnant. Within the arena of leadership there are good leaders, bad leaders, and effective leaders. All three coexist simultaneously in a world of followers. A good leader is someone who can motivate and excite people about a specific subject. They are the one who possesses many qualities. First and most important a good leader is to possess the ability to recognize whats fair, good, and honest. A good leader always sets a good example of integrity, morals, and will lead his followers in accordance with these qualities. In addition to being just a good leader must be a strong thinker. Good leader inspire workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things a leader must be, know, and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Bad leaders have a tendency to turn a good organization around and burn it to the ground. They make rash decisions without discussing it with the team, for one. They dont want to share the glory with anyone at all. They want to do everything and take the credit all by themselves.This is probably one of the biggest reasons that leaders lose the respect of their team. In an organization and in a team, leader has to work or need to communicate with the team. An Effective leader is someone who manages to get people to do what they want.   It could be defined as one who exerts influence to get others to achieve the leaders objectives. An effective leader is a person with a passion for a cause that is larger than they are. The essential needs for the effective leaders are good communication, knowledge and understanding, team work, recognition and encouragement, vision, risk and innovation, ethics, flexibility with leadership styles and commitment. 2. Theories behind leadership Leadership theories in management have evolved over time into various types, with their own lines of thought. Each theory provides a model of effectively steering an organization. Adding to Kurt Lewins (1945) observation that there is nothing so practical as a good theory, Whetten (2002) suggests that only a good theory is practical. Hence, we have two successive goals: (1) we should understand the components that comprise theory; and (2) we should incorporate this knowledge into the theory of leadership. There isnt one right definition of leadership. There are various leadership theories out there, and when you limit leadership to one definition, you also limit the value of true leadership. Leadership can be something very difficult to describe or explain. It is abstract. There isnt a certain shape that it takes, or there isnt one specific direction. Depending on the leadership theory that you are talking about, one person could be considered successful and the other a failure. Leadership theories are founded on a persons opinion. Many theorists have put forward their own views and formulated their own theories regarding leaders and leadership. The author will explore some of the theories on the subject of leadership. 2.1 Great Man Theory The Great Man Theory is associated most often with 19th-century commentator and historian Thomas Carlyle. This theory assumes that leaders are born and not made. Leaders usually were members from the aristocracy since they only got a chance to lead; hence, it was considered that good breeding contributed in making great leaders. The concept of a Great Woman was not explored and andocentric bias was never realized. In addition, the theory also states that when there is a great need, then a great leader arises, like Buddha, Jesus, Churchill and Eisenhower. 2.2 The Trait Theory This theory assumes that human beings are born with inherited traits and the right combination of traits makes them a leader. Hence, leadership was a matter of traits whether inherited or acquired otherwise. Stogdill (1974) identified certain traits like adaptability, socially aware, achievement oriented, decisive, dominant, energetic, cooperative, assertive, self-confident, persistent, responsible, and capacity to tolerate stress. McCall and Lombardo (1983) identified four basic traits, namely, emotional composure and stability, intellectual breadth, highly developed interpersonal skills, and the capacity to admit errors. Although leadership trait theories are popular, it is viewed by many as very simplistic. There are those that argue that trait theories attribute the success of leadership solely to his or her personality and physical traits or characteristics without regard to the situational context. The trait approach is considered too simplistic as an explanation of the complex leadership phenomenon. 2.3 Participative Leadership Theory This theory assumes that the conclusion of many minds makes a better decision than the judgment of a single mind. Hence, the leader invites participation from the persons responsible for carrying out the work, since it makes them less competitive and more collaborative, thereby increasing their level of commitment. Participants may be subordinates, peers, superiors, or stakeholders. The extent of participation may vary. The leader may outline the objectives or goals and allow the team to decide how it can be achieved or the leader may allow a joint decision to be taken with respect to objectives and its method of achievement or the team may propose but the final decision is always of the leader. Many varieties exist, like consultation, democratic leadership, Management By Objectives (MBO), power-sharing, empowerment, and joint decision-making. The negative side of this theory is that when a leader asks for opinions and does not find them suitable, then it leads to cynicism, feelings of betrayal, reduced motivation and decreased level of commitment. 2.4 Lewins Theories Kurt Lewin along with others conducted experiments in 1939 and came up with three styles of participative leaderships, namely autocratic, democratic, and Laissez-faire. In the autocratic style, the leader took the decisions without consulting others. In the democratic style, the leader took the decisions after consulting others or let the majority decide on what is to be done. In the Laissez-faire style, the leader lets others decide on the decisions to be taken. Lewin et al. discovered that the autocratic style led to revolution, the Laissez-faire style lacked enthusiasm and coordination, while the democratic style proved to be the most effective. Since these experiments were done on children, they still required further study and research. 2.5 Likerts Theories Rensis Likert (1967) theorized four styles, namely, exploitive authoritative, benevolent authoritative, consultative, and participative. In the exploitive authoritative style, the leader uses methods as threats, coercion, and other fear-based methods to enforce conformance. It is always a top-down approach and the views, feelings, of others are given no value. In the benevolent authoritative style, the leader becomes a benevolent dictator and uses rewards to motivate performance. The leader listens to rose-tinted views from the subordinates as they tell only what the leader likes to hear in the hope of gaining rewards. Trivial delegation of decision is done, however important decisions are always made centrally. In the consultative style, the leader seeks consultations, however, most upward flow of information is still rose-tinted and the decision is almost taken centrally. In the participative style, the leader invites participation across all levels, including the shop floor worker , and attempts to make the employees psychologically closer are made. Dissensions, arguments, feelings of betrayal all take place in this style. The leader becomes a father figure and a cult head, whose saying ultimately becomes the final decision. 2.6 The Charismatic Leader Theory This theory assumes that leaders gather followers simply by their charm, grace, and personality. If a leader is not a natural charismatic leader then that individual takes a lot of trouble in maintaining the image and developing requisite skills. They are usually very persuasive and use their body language very effectively. In a theatrical sense, charisma is played out as exhibited by politicians, religious and cult leaders. Conger Kanungo (1998) have elucidated five characteristics of charismatic leaders, namely, clear vision and its lucid articulation, sensitivity to the environment, sensitivity to the needs of the members, ability to take personal risks to support their viewpoints, and ability to perform unconventional behavior. Musser (1987) noted that charismatic leaders wanted their followers to commit to absolute devotion to themselves. The charismatic leader may not want to change anything or transform anything unlike the transformational leader. If the charismatic leader is well-intentioned then they can contribute significantly to the growth of the entire group, however, if they are Machiavellian and selfish, then by the creation of cults, they can effectively rape the minds and bodies of their followers. Their own self-belief can lead them into psychotic narcissism and their self-absorption is so high, that their irreplaceability, intentional or otherwise, can guarantee no successors and thus they make a permanent mark in history. 2.7 The Transformational Leader Theory The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by leadership expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns.1 According to Burns, transformational leadership can be seen when leaders and followers make each other to advance to a higher level of moral and motivation. Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to change expectations, perceptions and motivations to work towards common goals. Later, researcher Bernard M. Bass expanded upon Burns original ideas to develop what is today referred to as Bass Transformational Leadership Theory.2 According to Bass, transformational leadership can be defined based on the impact that it has on followers. Transformational leaders, Bass suggested, garner trust, respect and admiration from their followers. This theory assumes that a leader with vision and passion can achieve great things by inspiring, injecting enthusiasm and energy, and thereby transform the individual or the group towards the attainment of individual or group goals. Transformational leadership is concerned with the performance of followers and developing them to their fullest potential. Tesco is considered as the most successful retail company in the United Kingdom. The success of Tesco was heralded by the appointment of Terry Leahy as the Chief Executive Officer. Leahy is considered as a visionary and transformational leader who led the company into a series of organizational changes that aimed for the company to become more customer-focused and to develop the companys workforce. Terry Leahy is revered as an excellent leader. Leahy was reported to say that he believes that the success of a leader depends upon maintaining a happy workforce. According to him, there are four things that a leader must provide to his workers and followers to satisfy and motivate them. These are: A job that is interesting to do A chance to get on in life To be treated with respect A boss who is some help and not their biggest problem 2.8 The Transactional Leadership Theory This theory states that people work for reward and punishment. A clear chain of command with loyalty as the primary focus works best in social systems. The subordinate should only do what the leader tells to do without trying to find out the justification for it. The leader creates clear structures and the subordinates are required to follow. For successful completion of the work, they are rewarded whereas for unsuccessful completion, they are punished. The leader uses management by exception, that is, once the operation has defined performance expectations then it does not need much attention. Exceeding expectations gets praise whereas not fulfilling expectations gets corrective actions. The limitation of this approach is that it is assumed that the individual is a rational man (a person who is largely motivated by money and hence whose behavior is predictable), which he may not be due to emotional and social factors. In such a situation, other approaches may prove to be more effect ive. 2.9 The Situational Leadership Theory This theory assumes that the action of a leader depends on a number of situational factors, like motivation and capability of followers, relationship between the leader and the followers, stress, mood, etc. Yukl (1989) has identified six situational factors namely, subordinate effort, subordinate ability and role clarity, organization of the work, cooperation and cohesiveness, resources and support, and external coordination. 3. Cross Culture Differences in Global Organisation Leadership style is a part of cultural distinctiveness. The international business faces different challenges and obstacles in geographical, financial, legal, political and cultural environments. Culture presents challenges that make human interactions difficult. Cultural differences are found in areas such as language, values, and behaviors. The cultural environment in which an international business operates in has an enormous impact on the organization. Cultural differences according to Graham (2001) are often not obvious and associated problems are neither easily diagnosed nor corrected. Cultural differences have a huge impact on the efficiency of the international enterprise, and particularly on the management of people. Every country has a different culture that sets it apart from the rest. Every country has a different history, government and laws. The more countries with which a firm interacts, the more complex and difficult conducting business becomes. According to Briscoe et al (2004) the primary cause of this complexity and high level of difficulty has to do with the importance and critical nature of the differences between various countries cultures. Dutch business professor Geert Hofstede (2005) has described culture as a pattern of thoughts, feelings and actions that every individual carries within them, a pattern which is developed and learned through out ones lifetime. He also conducted what is considered as the most influential work on business cultures. Hofstede identified five cultural dimensions that affect international businesses. These dimensions are: Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism vs. Collectivism, Masculinity vs. Femininity and Short-term vs. Long-term Orientation. 4. The Impact of Culture on Human Resource Management Perhaps one of the area in the international business that is most affected by culture is Human Resource Management (HRM). According to Sims (2002) culture is essential to International Human Resource Management. The research conducted by Hofstede (1980) revealed that culture has huge implications for Multinational Corporations. According to Hofstede differences in culture may significantly affect HRM practices. Organizations that plan to establish businesses outside their home countries must realize that employing people with different culture and orientations might cause difficulties and collision between the organizations business practices and the culture of the host country. In principle, it is believed that a large contradiction between the multinational companys HRM practices and the host countrys culture is a main ingredient in failure. Wide-ranging cultural differences from country to country require corresponding differences in HRM practices among a companys foreign subsidiaries. The mix of cultures in the subsidiaries of a multinational company and the level of cultural differences among the subsidiaries will restrict the IHRM approach taken by an organization (Sims 2002). International Human Resource Management is the process of procuring, allocating and affectively utilizing human resources in a multinational corporation.   HMM managers in multinational corporations need to achieve two somewhat conflicting goals. First, they must integrate HRM policies and practices across a number of subsidiaries in different countries so that overall corporate objectives can be achieved. At the same time, the approach to HRM must be sufficiently flexible to a llow for significant differences in the types of HRM policies and practices that are most effective in different business and cultural settings (Sims 2002). 5. Nestle UK and Nestle India cross culture case The existence or presence of the Nestle Corporation in different countries around the world provides realization of the incidence of cross-cultures and cultural diversity in a particular business. The prevalence and practice of a specific culture in a specific company provides significant changes and differences in its approach in terms of production, operations, sales and market share. Thus, in this regard, organizational culture serves to be one of the major factors that affect the performance and communication in the entire organization, most especially in terms of operating and maintaining an international organization, such as Nestle. Henri Nestle founded the company in 1867 in Switzerland, as a manufacturer of infant cereals. Nestle corporate culture is extended to all branches and locations of the company around the world.   Ã‚   One of the most successful branches of Nestle Company in Asia is Nestle India Limited. The mother company set up its operations in India in 1912 as a trading company, and began as a manufacturing company in 1961 at the Moga factory. All manufacturing and marketing plants in India are in charge of the different brands produced in India, namely, milk and infant dietetics, culinary products, cereals, beverages and instant drinks, chocolate products and confectioneries, and chilled dairy products (2004). It employs over 3000 employees, and is regarded as one of the Most Respected Companies and amongst the Top Wealth Creators of India (2004). On the other hand is Nestle UK, which started as a sales office in London in 1868. By 1901, Nestle opened its first factory in the United Kingdom, and by 1905 it merged with Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. Currently, it produces and manufactures brands such as Nescafe, Kit Kat, Polo, Smarties, Aero, and Black Magic (2007). From this information, the different cultures that exist in both organizations and branches of the Nestle Corporation can be assumed. It has been reported that Nestle India has been strictly adhering to the business objectives of its mother company. The business objective of the company is to manufacture and market products that would sustain and create value for the consumers, stockholders, employees, business partners, and the economy of India over a long and significant period of time. In this regard, Nestle India is conscious of the fact that its success is the reflection of the professionalism, conduct and ethical values of the entire management and employees of the company. As such, the company aims to make sure that the companys operations and processes would be characterized with the highest standards of ethical and responsible conduct. In addition, the significant and distinct characteristic of Nestle India can be observed through its Corporate Business Principles and Management and Leadership Principles (2007). Based on Nestle Indias Business Principles, it can be perceived that the business practices of the company, particularly in terms of their respective decisions are characterized by typical Asian traditions, beliefs, and practices. It has been reported that one of the most successful departments or divisions of Nestle India is its chocolate and confectionery division. Being typically Asian, Indian workers in the company work altogether and collectively. Indians, like the rest of the other Asian nations tend to increase their interactions with one another, as with any other Asians, collectivism and group participation is an important aspect of work and interaction. On the other hand, being Western, the culture in the chocolate division of Nestle UK may not be as similar as the culture of Nestle India. This is because British employees, in general, are individualistic, independent, frank, and very open-minded individuals. Unlike the Indian employees, British employees may be somewhat more individual and more independent, thus, require less interaction from co-workers and other colleagues. British employees are performance-driven and goal-oriented, thus, chatting during working hours are not their required form of interaction in the working environment. This is further strengthened by the fact that Nestle UK is one of the dominating chocolate manufacturers in the United Kingdom, being part of the 3.6 billion Euros revenue of the UK chocolate market in 2004 (2005).   Another distinct data or characteristics that can be differentiated between the two branches of Nestle are the differences between their languages, religions, cultural beliefs, economy, politics, and social status. The major language of India is Hindi, while the major language spoken by the British citizens is English. The major religion of India is Hindu, while majority of the British citizens are Christians. In terms of cultural beliefs, Indian beliefs are rooted from their religion, Hindu, thus, their practices and values as well. This is also similar with the British, whos beliefs and cultural practices stem from Celtic and Christian beliefs. In terms of social, economic, and political status, India is considered a developing country, given its population and way of life, while the United Kingdom is regarded as one of the most powerful developed countries in the world. As such, in incidence of cross-cultural communication, discrimination, conflict, misunderstanding, and cultu ral ethnocentrism may exist.   In the event that a British national works in the Nestle India manufacturing plant, and vice versa, it can be assumed that problems and issues can be encountered, due to differences of approaches, culture, and language involved. In this regard, it can be assumed that changes in cross cultures may entirely affect business practices of an organization, even despite the influence and guidance of its mother company. This is because the approach of each Nestle company is customer-oriented, and based on the needs, preferences, and tastes of its consumers. In this regard, the sweetness, packaging, and taste of a particular chocolate confectionery in India, may be significantly different from the products in the United Kingdom. In addition, some products in the United Kingdom may not be present or available in India. 6. International Leadership Leadership style is a part of cultural distinctiveness. Among the western nations, American leadership style has been developed in the United States and the German leadership style embraced in Germany. France has it independent style. Likewise, in Asia a variety is present, and, Japan has promoted its independent distinctive style. Corporate leadership continues to be a quintessence of every nations old cultural legacy. UK follows a practical style of leadership. British leaders customarily stress upon social skills and practicality. Their courtesy, openness, self-discipline, and willpower are cultural assets. This guides them to be involved with interpersonal proficiency and advice. British leaders are more characteristic compared to their Portuguese or Spanish equivalents. Leaders are quite job-oriented and, reticent and courteous, thereby creating impersonal and proper settings for business dealings. In addition, British leaders possess a shorter-term viewpoint for their business development compared to the Swiss, Japanese and Germans. The leadership style of Italy, in contrast, has increased levels of autocracy with stress on the hierarchical pattern. Decision competencies are more focused on the top leadership, who is concerned with every facets of the business. 7. Case study of McDonalds operation in Europe The McDonalds Corporation is the largest food service operation in the world in terms of system-wide sales. At the beginning of 2000, it was operating more than 25,000 restaurants in 116 countries. A modest estimate of its current worldwide workforce would be around 1.5 million people, and 10 million people are estimated to have worked for the corporation since it was formed. More than one in ten Americans are considered to have got their first job at McDonalds, and it has now taken over from the US Army as having Americas largest job-training programme (Vidal, 1997 cited in Royle 2000, p. 16). It is an incredibly successful multinational and is expanding at a breath-taking rate. It plans to open between 2,500 and 3,200. In order to deal with different environmental factors in different countries, McDonalds has established a head office in every country where it operates. The head office in the United States still plays an important part in the decision-making. The U. S. head office regularly monitors the activities of its overseas operations. It has an international division, and its US consultants sometimes take part in European meetings. Meetings frequently take place between various European heads to discuss matters of cross-national importance (Royle, 2000). The structure of restaurant operation and administration in each country tends to follow similar pattern, but in some countries it appears to be more complicated than others. In some countries, some restaurants are operated as joint ventures or through holding companies. In most of the larger countries such as Germany and the UK, operations are usually split into several regions and are administered through regional offices in the major cities Royle, 2000). The heads of departments for each functional area are usually situated in the head offices (for example London and Munich), these functional areas being the executive, marketing, finance, personnel, purchasing, real estate, technical appliances and administration. Although there is a high level of central control, operations are normally administered directly from the regional offices. McDonalds system is very flexible in overcoming cultural, political and economic differences and obstacles in different societies (Royle, 2000). Fr anchise restaurants are local in the sense that they understand local issues, local culture and the kind of obstacles likely to confront the McDonalds system. Industrial relations, and specifically the relationship between the worker, the union, and the employer, vary dramatically from country to country. In Germany, for instance, codetermination is the rule. Here, employees have the legal right to a voice in setting company policies (Sims, 2002). The ability of trade unions to organize and gain recognition for collective bargaining at McDonalds varies considerably in different European countries.   In the case we see that culture has a tremendous impact on the operation of a multinational company McDonalds. The company operates worldwide. Although decision-making is still influenced by the head quarter in the United States, every country has a head office that deals with different issues particularly in the area of culture. We also see that the employees from different countries exhibit different values, attitudes and behaviours. These are derived from their culture. We see that McDonalds has become successful by implementing a localized strategy. The culture of the host country is taken into consideration. 8. Conclusion To conclude this leaders generally do not follow a single approach and they mix and match as per their needs and requirements. In critical situations, they are more dictatorial in nature as they face the prospect of failure. Leaders generally exhibit integrity, dedication (spending whatever time and energy that is required to get the job done, rather than giving it the available time), humility, openness (ability to understand new thoughts and ideas), and creativity . In order for business to be conducted smoothly, leaders need to aware of international cross cultural and need to adapt flexibly. Successful business leaders must shape their organizations to be more nimble and flexible, less hierarchical, and more networked. The fate of future business rests, in part, on how well business leaders can anticipate change, demonstrate authentic leadership, maximize the power of their talent, and embrace social responsibility. Todays leaders are already facing challenges and changes that are rapidly transforming where, how, and with whom they do business. Leaders who are adapting their strategies are merely keeping pace with change. A more strategic view of agility is about leaders anticipating trends and proactively defining innovative strategies.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Strong Will :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you ever felt you wanted something so badly you would give up your life for it? well often strong people , that means people with strong determination and will power, do. They don't exactly give up their life but put hard work and all their might into it. Strong people do as they wish and they also acomplish any goal they set themselves to. Throughout history there has been many examples of strong people but none of them compares to the example of Winston Churchill.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Winsotn Churchill was dedicated to his work and had a strong will. He is the vivid example of a determined man and his help in World War 2 is the best representation of what fighting for your beliefs means. He fought against the axis powers and obtained a great triumph. He set his goals strait and those were to liberate europe from all oppresion. He was the prime minister of Great Britain but some say he was the leader behind the whole allied side.He struggled year after year looking for a way to defeat the Germans and stop the war, he had a hard time acomplishing this and had to fight many battles both in the trenches and outside of them to achieve his goal. This shows the persistance and the strong will he had.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He had a lot of set backs and troubles in acomplishing his goals but due to his hard work and all his effort he carried out his plans. His men were dying in the western front and jewish people were getting killed due to Hitlers genocide, all this going through his head was alot to deal with but even though he organized himself and triumphed. This demonstrates how Winston Churchill faced adversity and beat it back with his own will power and conviction. His determination lead to his very own triumph. He knew that showing a strong arm was the best move because it showed a man with principles and who wasn't thinking on changing them. This inspired fear on German generals and influenced the outcome of the war. People who are strong in their character and decisions meet all their goals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The day the war ended was the happiest in Winston's life because he felt like

Monday, November 11, 2019

Team Concept, Human Behavior, Persuasion & Diversity

1. The role of the leader in the team concept is very important. Research shows that success is enhanced, if an organization understands and effectively manages five team processes. List and discuss these five team processes in Chapter 17. The five team processes are: 1. Buy-in: how the work of the team is legitimized and goals are set. 2. Accountability: how individual and team performance is managed and rewarded. 3. Learning: how performance is improved and skills developed. 4. Infrastructure: how the work of the team is systemized and resources accessed. 5.Partnering: how people interact and work together to achieve success on the team and across organizational units (Manning & Curtis, 2009). 2. Physical and emotional needs are important determinants of human behavior, helping to explain why people work, why they have certain personal goals, and what they want in their relationships with others. Psychologist Abraham Maslow divides human needs into five categories, progressing from basic needs to complex needs. Discuss Maslow’s five â€Å"Hierarchy of Human Needs. † List and discuss each one. Maslow’s five Hierarchy of Human Needs are: . Survival. The needs that are taken as the starting point for motivation theory are the physiological, or basic body tissue, needs. Taking a breath of air and acting in self-defense are normal expressions of such needs. Survival needs are strong and natural forces within the person. 2. Security. Once survival needs are satisfied, security needs become important. Freedom from threat and protection from loss are major security goals, helping explain our interest in savings accounts, medical insurance, seniority rights, and burglar alarms. 3. Belonging.When survival and security needs are satisfied, the need for belonging emerges. This is true for people in all cultures, whether aggressive or peaceful, primitive or advanced. Every individual makes a distinct effort to belong to some aspired social group. 4. R espect. Once survival, security, and belonging needs are satisfied, people are motivated by the need for respect the need to be considered favorably by self and others. The pursuit of fame, regardless of the field business, government, and the arts can be explained only by the powerful need for respect. 5. Fulfillment.After physical and social needs are satisfied, people are motivated by the need for fulfillment, which Maslow referred to as â€Å"self-actualization. † These people may or may not please others by what they do, and their efforts may or may not result in the attainment of intended goals (Manning & Curtis, 2009). 3. Chapter 18 discusses â€Å"why people do what they do. † There are nine points to remember about human motivation. With these in mind, you will better understand why people do what they do. These points can also explain the complicated relationship between personal goals and work behavior.List and discuss these nine points for human motivation. The nine points for human motivation are: a. A satisfied need is not a motivator. It is not what people have that motivates behavior; it is what they do not have, or what they have done without. b. Employee motivation and company success are related. c. Psychological needs and social values are not the same. d. The same act can satisfy any of the five motivation levels. e. All people have the same needs, but to different degrees and accompanied by different wants. What it takes to satisfy motivational needs and how much is required are unique to each person. . A person can be deficiency-motivated, bringing harm to self or others. It is possible to have an extreme fixation on a natural need, so strong that it can lead to neurotic and even destructive behavior. g. Unsatisfied needs can harm your health, as surely as if you were physically stricken. If you feel the need for recognition, but no one respects you; if you feel the need for love, but no one cares; if you feel the need for self-expression, but have no outlets, you can develop a motivation condition as harmful as physical illness. h.Leadership is important in meeting employee needs and preventing motivation problems. What a leader does will vary with the circumstances. Sample actions include improving job safety (survival needs), clarifying job assignments (security needs), offering a word of encouragement (belonging needs), providing praise for a job well done (respect needs), and offering new skills development (fulfillment needs). i. The ideal is to integrate the needs of the individual with the goals of the organization. If the needs of the individual can be satisfied while advancing the goals of the organization, he ultimate in employee morale and organization effectiveness will be achieved (Manning & Curtis, 2009). 4. Managing diversity is very important for both the leader and organizational survival. List and discuss strategies and techniques that can help both individuals and organizations man age diversity effectively. What can individuals do:  ¦ Connect with and value your own culture.  ¦ Think about how it feels to be different by remembering times when you felt that you were in the minority.  ¦ Try to understand each person as an individual, rather than seeing the person as a representative of a group. Participate in educational programs that focus on learning about and valuing different cultures, races, religions, ethnic backgrounds, and political ideologies.  ¦ Make a list of heroes in music, sports, theater, politics, business, science, and so forth.  ¦ Learn about the contributions of older people and people with visual, hearing, or other impairments.  ¦ Learn more about other cultures and their values through travel, books, and films, and by attending local cultural events and celebrations.  ¦ Continually examine your thoughts and language for unexamined assumptions and stereotypical responses. Include people who are different from you in social con versations, and invite them to be part of informal work-related activities, such as going to lunch or attending company social events.  ¦ When dealing with people, try to keep in mind how you would feel if your positions were reversed. What can organizations do:  ¦ Include employees from a variety of backgrounds in decision-making and problem solving processes.  ¦ Develop strategies to increase the flow of applicants from a variety of backgrounds. Look for opportunities to develop employees from diverse backgrounds and prepare them for positions of responsibility  ¦ Show sensitivity in the physical work environment.  ¦ Form a group to address issues of diversity.  ¦ Implement training programs that focus on diversity in the workplace programs designed to develop a greater awareness and respect for differences.  ¦ Pay attention to company publications such as employee newsletters.  ¦ Evaluate official rules, policies, and procedures of the organization to be sure all employees are treated fairly. Develop mentoring and partnering programs that cross traditional social and cultural boundaries.  ¦ Talk openly about diversity issues, respect all points of view, and work cooperatively to solve problems (Manning & Curtis, 2009). 5. Historically, women in high leadership positions have come from nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and public office. However, over the last few years, they are starting to come from the business world. The Center for Creative Leadership has identified six success factors for women in high leadership positions. List and discuss these six success factors for women.The Center for Creative Leadership has identified six success factors for women in high leadership positions: 1. Help from above. Women in high levels of leadership have typically received the support of influential mentors. 2. A superior track record. Held to high standards, executive-level women have usually managed effectively and have develope d an excellent record of performance. 3. A passion for success. Senior-level women have been determined to succeed. They worked hard, seized responsibility, and achieved their objectives. 4. Outstanding people skills.Successful women executives typically utilize participative leadership, employee empowerment, and open communication to foster trust and high levels of morale among subordinates. 5. Career courage. Successful women leaders have demonstrated courage to take risks, such as taking on huge responsibilities. 6. Mental toughness. Senior-level women are seen as tenacious, demanding, and willing to make difficult decisions (Manning & Curtis, 2009). Applications Exercise 19. 2 1. 4 2. 4 3. 2 4. 3 5. 3 6. 3 7. 4 8. 3 9. 2 10. 3 11. 4 12. 4 13. 2 14. 4 15. 4 Domination = 12 Collaboration = 8 Compromise = 8 Avoidance = 11 Accommodation = 11

Friday, November 8, 2019

Modern Science and the Creation Story

Modern Science and the Creation Story Introduction Since time immemorial, the world has been in war for varied reasons, differences in ideological beliefs, aggression from other states, scramble for resources, and territorial violations. However, the longest lasting and most contested battle, pitting the world’s largest groups, Christians and Scientists, against each other, is of the origin of man and the universe.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Science and the Creation Story specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Religious groups like Christians, Muslims, and Jews believe in the biblical story of creation. The creationism theory states that God created Adam and Eve in his own image and placed them in the Garden of Eden where all forms of life began. According to this theory, the universe is approximately 6000 years old as calculated by Archbishop Ussher in the sixteenth century. Scientists, who claim life form existed in the world millions of y ears ago, have watered the credibility of the creation theory. Fossils excavated from seabeds and sedimentary rocks ascertain this claim. Scientists’ attempts to explain the origin of the universe have led to the development of many theories, all having their shortfalls. As a result, none of the theories has gained universal acceptance as the most probable origin of man and the universe. This has left moral, religious, and cultural forces to play a great role in shaping people’s stand on the origin of the universe. The Creationist Theory To establish the reason for the many scientific researches on the origin of the universe, it is prudent to explain the theory all works of science seem to tear apart, The Creationism Theory. Widely held by Christians, Muslims, and Jews, the theory explains that God is the creator and controller of the universe. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the fa ce of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day†¦And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree†¦Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth†¦after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good†¦ Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind†¦ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth†¦So God created man in his own image (New International Version BIBLE, Gen. 1.1-29). The creationists believe that God created living creatures on earth and can take them away at will. According to this theory, the world is 6000 years old. The theory draws its strength from the complexity of human life that science cannot explain. Furthermore, research has proven that some major occurrences mentioned in the bible are true. The big flood that swept the whole World and the Ark of Noah are examples of proven happenings. Balsiger (2010) supports the flood’s occurrence by saying, â€Å"Geologists who have climbed mount Ararat, the landing site of Noah’s Ark, have discovered a varriety of seashells and other evidence that this mountain was once under water.â⠂¬  Similarly, Harris (1997) provides crucial evidence of the detention and enslaving of the Israelites in Egypt as mentioned in the bible. It is easier to believe the creation story and let life continue. However, scientists are leaving nothing at stake in their bid to answer questions on the existence of the universe they consider not addressed by the theory. Further, they claim incorrect timing and unmentioned crucial facts about the creation theory â€Å"cast doubt† on the overall theory (Caputo, 2006). First, the creation theory’s timeframe calculated by Archbishop Ussher, and generally accepted by creationists, is far from what scientists consider the true age of the world.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Science and the Creation Story specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"The discovery of fossil types of man or manlike organisms†¦from South Africa, in the early Pleistocene strata of 1,000,000 million years ago†¦now classified as Homo erectus†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is evidence that the world has existed for at least a million years, as opposed to the 6000 years advocated by the theory (Adler, 1993). In fact, according to Fortey (2009), the oldest documented case of living animals is over 540 million years. The theory is also under condemnation for failing to explain the beginning of human races just as it explains language diversity. If all human beings, as explained by the theory, are descendants of Adam and Eve, why is the world’s population so diverse? Why do we have Whites, Blacks, Reds, and the Colored races? Lack of answers for such crucial information has led to the emergence of many theories attempting to provide the much-needed answers. These theories include, Evolution proposed by Charles Darwin, Intelligent Design, the Steady State Theory, and the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory In 1984, Long claimed, â€Å"The big bang theory is the most popular of all the scientific theories that attempt to explain the origin of the universe.† Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian priest and professor who lectured at the University of Louvain, developed the theory. Georges’ argued that the fast movement of other galaxies away from our own in all directions is symbolic of an ancient force pushing them away from our universe. Long (1984) confirms that the proponents of the big bang theory believe the vast universe was compressed into a tiny finite volume, which exploded and has been flying apart as the universe ever since. This compressed state is believed to have existed for just split seconds before the big bang. According to this theory, a massive explosion caused the universe’s matter and energy to disperse ten to twenty billion years ago. Immediately after the big bag, the universe expanded with speed beyond understanding from the tiny size to the current astronomical scope. Even though the expansion continues, it is n ow happening at a much slower speed. Fox (2002) describes this phenomenon in details. In the beginning, there was nothing†¦nothingness in which packets of energy fleeted in and out of existence, popping into oblivion as quickly as they appeared†¦One of these fluctuations had just enough energy to take off. It inflated wildly out of control – one-moment infinitesimally small, moments later, light-years across. All of space and time was created in that instant, and as that energy slowed, it cooled and froze into matter (p. 9).Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The theory seeks to justify the occurrence of a massive blast by pointing out the existence of cosmic microwave background radiation throughout the universe. The theory asserts that these waves are leftovers from the big bang. Despite its wide acceptance by scientists as the most probable origin of the universe, the big bang theory is equally criticized as it leaves many scientific questions unanswered. For example, the theory gives no explanation on the evolution of the universe after the big bang. Worst still, the theory completely fails to explain the â€Å"origin of the big bang† itself (Edwards, 2001). How then can it be good enough to explain the origin of the universe when its own origin is blurred? The Evolution Theory In 1959, Charles Darwin published his book, â€Å"The origin of Species† in which he explained that man evolved from tiny living creatures through environmental adaptation over millions of years (Darwin, 1958). He further argued, â€Å"Animals t hat were incapable of adapting to environmental changes perished† (p. 27). The depth and breadth of Darwin’s research findings easily convinced many scientists that natural selection provided the most concrete and firm foundation on origin of man. In fact, Darwin himself exuded a lot of confidence in his findings when he said, â€Å"I cannot possibly believe that a false theory would explain so many classes of facts† (p. 27). Darwin’s study of evolution was triggered by observation of life in South America. He stated, â€Å"When on board H. M. S. Beatle as a naturalist, I was much struck with certain facts in the distribution of organic beings inhabiting South America, and the geological relations of the present to the past inhabitants of that continent† (p. 1). Darwin further explained that the facts â€Å"seemed to throw some light on the origin of species† and went ahead to give a detailed account of the facts (p. 1). In furthering his exp lanations, Darwin gives the example of a giraffe. He said taller giraffes had a better chance of survival because they could reach taller tree leaves even during drought as compared to shorter ones. In order to survive, the giraffes gave birth to progeny that grew taller and taller over time. In this same manner, Darwin holds that animals and humans have adapted, evolved, and survived. Animals that were incapable of adapting themselves perished. This principle of survival of the fittest is what Darwin called â€Å"means of natural selection.† If variations useful to any organic being ever do occur, assuredly individuals thus characterized will have the best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life; and from the strong principle of inheritance, these will tend to produce offspring similarly characterized (Darwin, 1958). The evolutionists hold that humans grew from particles that randomly clang together to form DNA molecules. These molecules grew continuously to be th e humans we know today. The possibility of man evolving from tiny living creatures, as proposed by Charles Darwin, is mathematically near impossible. Sapse (2000) states, â€Å"For life to be formed, the right mix of life sustaining amino acids must be united.† Webb (2002) reinforces the idea by claiming that the probability of random processes creating a nucleic acid or a protein is tiny. In further support of this claim, Davis (1999) says that hundreds of thousands of proteins are required to sustain life, and that the probability of these proteins coming together â€Å"randomly† is 1040000. Additionally, the theory fails to highlight the origin of the tiny particles that randomly unite to give forth life. It could be easy to believe the evolution process, but without a strong foundation on the origin of the tiny living creatures, it is baseless. The theory also claims that the earth is four billion years old, a time not long enough for the tiny particles to form the complex human life we know today. The Intelligence Design The idea that human’s complexity is a result of a superior, powerful, and all knowing designer whose ability is beyond man’s understanding has existed for years. In fact, the theory existed long before Charles Darwin came up with the evolution theory. William Paley, a renowned English theologian, is the accredited exponent of the theory. Paley illustrated the theory with the famous watchmaker analogy. He claimed that if one found a pocket watch in the field whiles walking, concluding that it is a product of evolution is unfounded. Rather, one should know that it is a result of a designing being’s intellect. Likewise, he concluded that the existing complex life in the world is a result of super natural creator’s activities. The intelligence design theory is linked to the creationist theory because it supports the existence of a supernatural deity as the designer of the universe. The proponents of t his theory differ with the creation theory’s timeframe. Rather, they agree with the evolutionists in the belief that the world has existed for millions of years. Some believers of the theory claim God designed life and the universe, while others claim it is not clear who designed the universe, but agree that it must be a civilization superior to ours. Still others believe our existence on the universe is the work of aliens, using human race as subjects of experiment. There is not a single evidence of this claim, but refuting it is equally hard as there is no evidence to the contrary of the belief. This theory may hold ground to some extend since the modern man’s appearance on earth seems sudden and unexplained. Whereas there are many discovered fossils of animals dating back to 540 million years old, the oldest fossil of modern man, Cro-Magnon, is only thirty to forty thousand years old (Fagan, 2010). Furthermore, there seems to be no fossil evidence of humans evolving from any other animals or beings. The lack of evidence of existence of man until 30 million years ago could probably point out that they â€Å"dropped† from somewhere. The supporters of intelligent design argue that the theory offers explanation to some concepts that evolution cannot account for. Irreducible complexity is an example of a concept evolution cannot account for. Here, they argue that some components of nature or biochemical systems are so well matched to be mere products of evolution. Irreducible systems are only complete as a whole, any attempt to remove any part results to error as all their parts are necessary. The characteristics of the parts being so intricate and interdependent cannot be a result of evolution. The stand by intelligent design theorists that no evolution has taken place is widely criticized by a section of scientists who believe it is based on ignorance. The critics claim it is unrealistic, improper, and grave to deny evolution as it continu es even today. For example, they claim if an individual cuts himself, the blood responds by producing plasma cells that clot the blood around the cut to reduce and eventually end the blood flow. â€Å"The key proteins that clot blood fit this pattern, too. They are actually modified versions of proteins used in the digestive system†¦evolution duplicated, retargeted, and modified these proteins to produce the vertebrate blood-clotting system† (Curry Chang 2006). Such responses, they claim have existed from the very existence of man and have ensured his survival (Campbell, 2009). The Steady State Theory A group of renowned scientists developed the steady state theory in 1948 as an alternative to the Big Bang theory. The scientists involved in the development of this theory included, Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle all whom were Cambridge physicists. Bondi states, â€Å"The Steady State Theory differs from other creation theories†¦the problem of creation, is brought within the scope of physical inquiry, and is examined in detail instead of, as in other theories, being handed over metaphysics† (Bondi, 1952). The theory made it acceptable in the late 1960s that the universe had no known beginning at all. Instead, it held that matter is created continuously during the expansion of the universe, which ensures perfect adherence to cosmological principle. This theory further asserts that despite the continuous expansion of the universe, its appearance has not changed over time. Due to the continuous expansion of the universe, a notable change to its components is only impossible if new matter is continuously created to maintain the average density of matter in the universe. The scientists claimed that hydrogen is the continuously produced matter that keeps the universe stable. In 1993, the theory was reinforced and additional information that lacked in the initial version added. Quasi-steady state theory is a result of the modificati ons, which suggest that there are pockets of creations occurring within the universe commonly referred to as mini-bangs. Even though the steady state theory is widely discredited, there are people who believe its premises. Evidently, the scientific theories put forward by various scientists have failed to address, comprehensively and conclusively, the â€Å"missing links† in the creation theory. Instead, they have torn the world into different directions, pitting people against each other, consequently spinning the world to a completely irrelevant direction, of seeking the dark and little known past, instead of focusing on the future and how to make his stay in the world most comfortable. Humanity has greater enemies in diseases, famine, and poverty. Therefore, greater effort should be directed at fighting these enemies. Scientific discoveries have helped humans greatly by inventing medicines for curing diseases thereby reducing mortality rate, explaining phenomena that were once mysteries, and introducing new technologies, which have improved living standards. However, it must be accepted that scientific research on the origin of the universe, has hardly contributed towards improving man’s well being. Instead, it is divisive and baseless. Every individual has the freedom to choose what theory to believe concerning the origin and existence of the universe and all the creatures in it. Whichever the choice, every individual must put effort in tolerating others who hold contrary opinion. References Adler, M. J. (1993). The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes. New York, NY: Fordham University Press. Balsiger, D. W. (2010). Miraculous Messages: From Noahs Flood to the End Times. Florida: ReadHowYouWant.Com. Bondi, H. (1952). Cosmology (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Dover Publications. Campbell, B. G. (2009). Human Evolution: An Introduction to Mans Adaptations (4th ed.). New Jersey: Walter de Gruyter. Caputo, J. D. (2006). The weakness of God: a theo logy of the event. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Curry, J., Chang, I. (2006). Evolution. Bronx, NY: Halsey William Wilson. Darwin, C. (1958). On the origin of species (6th ed.). New York, NY: Sterling. Davis, P. (1999). The 5th Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life. London: Penguin. Edwards, R. B. (2001). What caused the big bang? Amsterdam: Rodopi. Fagan, B. M. (2010). Cro-Magnon: how the Ice Age gave birth to the first modern humans. New York City, NY: Bloomsbury Press. Fortey, R. (2009). Fossils: The History of Life. New York City, NY: Sterling. Fox, K. C. (2002). The big bang theory: what it is, where it came from, and why it works. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. Genesis. (2011). In Holy Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Harris, N. (1997). The history of ancient Egypt. London: Chancellor Press. Long, B. (1984). The origins of man and the universe: the myth that came to life. London: Barry Long Books. Sapse, A. (2000 ). Molecular orbital calculations for amino acids and peptides. Basel: Birkhuser. Webb, S. (2002). If the universe is teeming with aliens where is everybody?: fifty solutions to the Fermi paradox and the problem of extraterrestrial life. New York City, NY:Springer.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Plague in Florence , Italy essays

The Plague in Florence , Italy essays The Plague in Italy (Florence) 1348 In the year 1348 AD, an enemy quite unexpected and very uncontrollable came to the shores of Italy. It struck viscously and quickly, by the time this enemy had left more than half of the population of Italy was dead. This is enemy as we now know was The Plague. Although many are of unsure of the exact time that the plague arrived in Italy, the rough estimate is late in 1348. The plague started in 1334, in Asia and killed about 90% of the population in Hopei, a province of China. It was carried along trade routes and began to work its was West, striking India, Syria and Mesopotamia (Gottfried p.1-3). In 1346, the plague came to Kaffa, a Genoese cathedral city and a port central to the successful Genoese trade industry located on the Crimean Peninsula of the Black Sea. The Tartar forces of Kipchak Khan Janibeg, backed by the Venetian forces, competitors of the Genoese, had laid siege to Kaffa in hopes of removing the Genoese from one of the cornerstones of Europes defense against Eastern attack and Genoas dominance of East-West trade. Kaffa was helpless, barely able to sustain even the crudest living conditions. Finding its chief means of supply cut off; Kaffa spent the next year watching itself decline into a hopeless state. But the, in 1347, to the Italians surprise, their opponents began to die off at an alarming rate, Janibegs army was overcome by the Plague. Janibeg had no choice but to call of his siege but not before he performed one last act of warfare against Genoa. Using catapults designed to throw boulders and fireballs over the walls of fortified cities like Kaffa, Janibeg launched the Plague infested corpses of his dead men into the city. The Italians quickly dumped the bodies into the sea, but the damage was done. Due to the squalid conditions forced upon Kaffa by the siege, it was ripe for the quick desolation of the Plague. Hoping to escape the qu...

Monday, November 4, 2019

PBIS and RTI in the Pre-Referral Process for Special Education Essay

PBIS and RTI in the Pre-Referral Process for Special Education - Essay Example These models have been credited for their ability to come up with the best solutions regarding the best programs and modes of instructions to subject the exceptional learners. In relation to the policies of the government on an inclusive curriculum, learners of special needs also need to be incorporated in the educational system. The models of PBIS and RTI have been indicated to ensure that learners are not discriminated on the basis of their affiliations and exceptionality. All learners, according to the ‘No child left Behind Act’ must go through an educational system that caters for their needs. The RTI model is an approach that focuses on learner differences in a learning situation. According to Burns, et al (2007), the RTI model is a model that is driven by the standards of learning, as well as, the responses portrayed by learners under instructions. This is an interpretation of the fact that, the RTI model is much more concerned with the progress of learners under s pecific instructions- responses to instructions. Additionally, the RTI model offers support and intervention to learners of varying needs in a classroom setting. RTI interventions are provided by specialized persons and depend on the needs of the particular learners. Burns, et al (2007) argue that, RTI model applies concepts of problem solving skills, so as to deal with learner needs. In the case of the learners with special needs, the instructors apply the concepts of problem-solving skills, in an endeavor to come up with the best learning strategies to fit such learners. They continue to argue that, RTI model allows for an integration of all systems that are of benefit to the learners, in terms of implementation of policies put in place to fit all learners. In relation to the pre-referral process for Special Education and the Response to Intervention Framework model (RTI), this model is useful in assessing the capacity of learners and their achievements in the learning situation. This interprets that the RTI model is an assessment model that assesses the success of learning methods and instructions in the learning environment, in context of the special learners. Burns, et al (2007) indicate that learners who have successfully managed to go through this process are in a high probability to fit in the learning setting. Additionally, special learners who are able to respond to the RTI model are more likely to display higher levels of success unlike learners who do not respond to the basics of the RTI model. PBIS ensures that all students access quality education by ensuring that all learners have access to the best learning practices and interventions. Mitchell (2007) argues that PBIS is a framework that is responsible for the best form of curriculum and selection of practices that are guided towards behavioral practices that ensure academic and behavioral outcomes are achieved by all learners in the classroom setting. Mitchell (2007) continues to argue that PB IS works towards coming up with basics for proper decision making and fashioning attributes that can be assessed through the basics as well as establish systems that work towards implementation of these systems. Analysts and researchers argue that it is vital to note that PBIS is not a form of curriculum, but a system that is set towards enhancing access and implementation of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Young people who sexually offend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Young people who sexually offend - Essay Example This particular group of young people is particularly challenging to deal with (Calder, 2009; Patricelli, 2009; and Rich, 2009). In order to identify and treat youth who sexually offend, certain actions must be carried out. There are approaches, techniques, research, and a theoretical overview that must be followed. The following must be taken into consideration: Furthermore, a comprehensive overview will include quite a bit of work on the part of those affected. This includes surveying literature on recidivism, evaluating the effectiveness of treatment, theoretical issues, characteristics, comparing male offenders against female offenders using an etiological model, assessing sexually abusive youth, using a multidimensional framework to treat subtypes after differentiating youth who sexually abuse, risk assessment, emerging strategies, treatment, working with parents, cognitive-behavioral treatment, an integrated experiential approach to treatment, multi-family group therapy, residential therapy and current practices therein, effectiveness of treatment, recidivism, resilience, and investigating successfully treated youth sexual offenders (Franey, 2009). â€Å"Social learning theory focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling. Among others Albert Bandura is considered the leading proponent of this theory.† (Ormrod, 1999). There are certain general principles that social learning theory follows, and these are: Cognitive factors in social learning include learning without performance, learning while processing cognitively, expectations about the consequences of certain actions, reciprocal causation, and modeling. Social learning theory offers a vast array of implications for its use. â€Å"Students often learn a great deal simply by observing other people.